
Club Français du Leonberg

Foundation date: 1963

Attention: This is the only Leonberger Breed Club in France that is recognized by the French Kennel Club and FCI.

Official Web site:

Number of Club Members 2024: 589

Number of litters born in 2022: 141

Number of puppies born 2022: 922

Approximate number of Leos alive: 11,000 – 12,000

Club Contacts:
Mrs. Valerie Bontems


The French Leonberger Club was founded in 1963 by the first president, Miss Bouniol de Gineste.
She was succeeded in 1981 by Mr. Cassaghi.
Mr. Guilbert became the club’s president in 1987 and stayed in function until 1999, when Miss Pambou-Makaya,  became president of the French Leonberger Club.
She was succeeded in October 2008 Mrs. Corinne Serra, Mrs. Serra left the board in May 2010,
her successor was Mr. Denis Vernon.
Since 7 October 2017  Mrs. Valérie Bontems  is president.